Regular Session Minutes of the
Council of the City of Dora, Alabama
June 13, 2024
The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m. We
were led in prayer by Gary Thomas. Mayor Hezikiah L. Walker, Jr. led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Walker. Roll call was taken by Stacy Turner. Present at the meeting were David Box, Norman Holt, George Sides, Jr., Gary Thomas, Robert Busby and Mayor Walker. Chris Edwards and Randy Spears were absent. A quorum was in attendance.
Item #5—Approval of the Minutes – The minutes of the May 23, 2024 council meeting were
reviewed. A motion was made by George Sides, Jr. to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by David Box. All in favor and the motion carried. Chris Edwards and Randy Spears arrived at this time.
Item #6 – Old Business –The updated roofing quotes were reviewed from Elite Roofing and
Mustgrove Roofing to include city hall, civic center, fire station, two dugouts and two pavilion roofs. Randy Spears related he met with both companies to ensure each company were quoting the same work that needs performed. The quote from Elite Roofing is $89,400 (eighty-nine thousand four hundred and no/100). The quote from Mustgrove Roofing is $90,176 (ninety-thousand one hundred seventy-six and no/100). George Sides made a motion to approve the lowest bid submitted by Elite Roofing for $89,400 (eighty-nine thousand four hundred and no/100). The City will be responsible for the $1,000 (one thousand and no/100) deductible for this insurance claim due to storm damage. Gary Thomas seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.
Mayor Walker stated that the final walk-thru inspection for the lake pavilion is scheduled for next week. He related that there are still some more issues to address including the parking spaces and tables/benches for the pavilion.
Item #7 –Bill List-Norman Holt made a motion to accept the bill list dated June 12, 2024. Randy Spears seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item #9-Departmental Reports A-G-George Sides made a motion to approve the departmental reports A-G. Robert Busby seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item #9-Capstone Health Back2School Sponsorship-Tegan Lockhart, Amber Elswick and
Christina Hood of Capstone Health related that Capstone Health will be hosing their 10 th annual Back2School Health Fair and Backpack Giveaway on Friday, July 26, 2024, from 9-11 a.m. at the Old Parrish High School. This event serves all of Walker County. Norman Holt made a motion to be a silver level sponsor for this event which is a $250 (two hundred fifty and no/100) donation. By being a silver sponsor, The City of Dora will be included in the Back2School event advertisement banners and promotions including our city logo, the City’s name will be listed on the event page, local media news features and highlights on social media and radio. Chris Edwards seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion passed.
Item #10 – Walker County Community Action Agency–Deidre Tatum, Executive Director of
the Walker County Community Action Agency related that they are a non-profit 501c
organization that provides services for low-income families in Walker County. They provided
approximately $2 Million Dollars for services to residents in Walker County last year including utility services, public transportation and continuing education. She estimates that there are at least two hundred residents within the City of Dora who receive services from their agency. They have purchased a building in Jasper, and they are in the process of renovating the building and adding a building for our youth program and are asking for financial support from all the municipalities in Walker County to complete this project. The total renovation estimate is approximately $500,000 (five hundred thousand and no/100). They have received approximately $125,000 (one hundred twenty-five thousand and no/100) towards their renovation. Randy Spears made a motion to table this item until more information can be obtained and further discussion by the council regarding a possible donation amount. David Box second the motion.
All in favor and the item was tabled.
Item #11- Ordinance #5-2024-Annexation of Property of Hosey Smoot, Jr. into the City
Limits of Dora—First Reading of Ordinance #5-2024-Annexation of Property of Hosey Smoot,
Jr. located at 154 Oakahalla Street. The petition for annexation signed by Hosey Smoot was also presented.
Item #12-East Walker Wrecker Service Rotation- Renee Shoemaker, a representative of East
Walker Wrecker Service would like to be included on rotation by the Dora Police Department
for wrecker services. She relates they are on call 24/7, state approved, have provided the
necessary certificate of insurance, have a business license in the City of Dora and their
employees have background checks performed. Chief Hall related our current wrecker rotation includes Wise Towing and Sumiton Wrecker Service. He relates in our police department policies and procedures there is no limit to how many wrecker services can be in the rotation and there is no requirement that the wrecker service has a lot within the city limits. Norman Holt made a motion to add East Walker Wrecker Service to the Dora Police Department’s wrecker service rotation. Randy Spears seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item #13- Council Pay-Upcoming Term – A spreadsheet was provided with a survey of cities
with a similar population as Dora with their current Mayor and Council Salary. A resolution to change the salaries of the Mayor and Council members for the upcoming term must be discussed and approved at least six months prior to the next election which will be November 2025. Chris Edwards made a motion to table this item until a later date. Norman Holt seconded the motion.
All in favor and the item was tabled.
Item #14-Golf Course-Clubhouse Manager –Mayor Walker related of the seventeen applicants for the golf course manager, only four applicants had golf course managerial experience. The possibility of seeking an assistant to the golf course manager while we are still seeking a general golf course manager was discussed. The rate of pay for employees and the ability to increase the pay rate based on increased responsibilities of each individual employee was discussed.
Mayor Walker opened the floor for public comment. There were none made.
Mayor Walker related there will be a work session on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 6 p.m.
Item #19-Adjourn- Randy Spears made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Chris Edwards
seconded the motion. All in favor and the meeting was adjourned.