Regular Session Minutes of the Council of the City of Dora, Alabama
May 27, 2021
The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 7:00 p.m. We were led in prayer by Mayor Stephens. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Stephens.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stephens. Roll call was taken by SuLeigh Warren.
Present at the meeting were David Box, Norman Holt, Chris Edwards, George Sides, Gary Thomas, Hezikiah Walker, Jr., and Mayor Randy Stephens. Randy Spears was absent. A quorum was in attendance.
Item #5— Approval of the Minutes – The minutes of the May 13, 2021 regular meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Norman Holt to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by David Box. All in favor and the motion was carried.
Item #6— Bill List – A motion was made by Norman Holt to approve the bill lists for May 25, 2021 and May 27, 2021. The motion was seconded by Gary Thomas. All in favor and the motion was carried. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item #7 – Fire Department Request – A motion was made by George Sides to approve the purchase for the Fire Department of a Hurricane Gas powered PPV fan from Central Alabama Training Solutions (CATS) in the amount of $1,675.00 and a Res-Q-Jack also from CATS in the amount of $3,599.00. Norman Holt seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion was carried.
Item #8 – Recreational Trails Program (RTP) – A motion was made by George Sides to accept the Recreational Trails Program grant money ($268,755.00) from ADECA (Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs) for lighting on the Horse Creek Golf Walking Trail. Norman Holt seconded the motion. All in favor except for Hezikiah Walker, Jr., who abstained. The motion carried.
Item #9 – Dollar General #7036 – A motion was made by Chris Edwards to approve alcohol license for Dollar General #7036. David Box seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: David Box – Yes; Norman Holt – Yes; Chris Edwards – Yes; George Sides – Yes; Gary Thomas – Yes; Hezikiah Walker, Jr. – Yes; and Mayor Randy Stephens – Yes.
The motion carried.
Chris Edwards made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by David Box. All in favor and meeting was adjourned.