Regular Session Minutes of the Council of the City of Dora, Alabama
July 14, 2022
The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m. We were led in prayer by Mayor Randy Stephens. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Stephens.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Randy Stephens. Roll call was taken by Stacy Turner. Present at the meeting were David Box, Norman Holt, Chris Edwards, Hezekiah Walker, Jr. and Mayor Randy Stephens. George Sides, Jr., Randy Spears and Gary Thomas were absent. A quorum was in attendance.
Item #5— Approval of the Minutes – The minutes of the June 23, 2022 regular meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Chris Edwards to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by David Box. All in favor and the motion was carried.
Item #6 – Old Business – None
Item #7— Bill List – A motion was made by Norman Holt to approve the bill lists dated July 12, 2022. Motion was seconded by David Box. All in favor and the motion was carried.
Item #8 – Departmental Reports – A motion was made by Chris Edwards to approve June 2022 Department Reports A-G. Motion was seconded by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion was carried.
Item #9 – Resolution #8-2022 -One Time Bonus For the City of Dora Retirees – Motion was approved at the June 23, 2022 Dora City Council meeting to approve the one time bonus in the amount of $1,324 for the City of Dora Retirees. The Alabama Retired State Employees’ Association requested this approval be in the form of a resolution. A motion was made by Hezikiah Walker, Jr. to approve Resolution #8. The motion was seconded by David Box. Roll Call Vote; George Sides, Jr.-Absent; Randy Spears-Absent; Gary Thomas-Absent; Hezikiah Walker, Jr.-Yes; Mayor Randy Stephens-Yes; David Box-Yes; Norman Holt-Yes; Chris Edwards-Yes. All in favor and the motion was approved.
Item #10 – Covid Pay For Employees – Mayor Stephens discussed the current Covid situation and increase in the cases affecting the City of Dora employees and suggested paying the employees who test positive for up to five scheduled works days. If the employee is absent longer than five days, they will be required to use their PTO or take leave without pay if they are not eligible for PTO at the time of sickness.
Mayor Stephens also discussed proper exposure guidelines recommended by the CDC and the City will follow the exposure calculator on the CDC’s website for Covid exposure of employees’.
Hezikiah Walker, Jr. made a motion to approve paying the Covid positive employees up to five scheduled work days. The motion did not carry for lack of a second.
City employees will not be paid for time off for Covid and will be required to use PTO or leave without pay.
Item #11 – Resolution #9-2022 Opioid Settlement – The City of Dora is participating in a Class action lawsuit with McKesson and J&J regarding the opioid epidemic. The lawsuit requires a resolution authorizing the City of Dora to join the State of Alabama as participants in current and future opioid settlements and also gives the City Clerk for the City of Dora the authority to sign current and future settlement agreements. The City Clerk will only be allowed to sign agreements once reviewed and approved by the Mayor of the City of Dora. Norman Holt made a motion to approve Resolution #9-2022 to participate in current and future opioid settlements. Motion seconded by David Box. Roll Call Vote-Chris Edwards-Yes; George Sides, Jr.-Absent; Randy Spears-Absent; Gary Thomas-Absent; Hezikiah Walker, Jr.-Yes; Mayor Randy Stephens-Yes; David Box-Yes; Norman Holt-Yes. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item #12 –Park Request-Flag football program – Request was made by Chase Gant to use Park Funds to pay for the expenses related to the new co-ed flag football program for its first kickoff season. Cost estimate is $20 per player. The park needs three teams in five different age groups for the program to be successful. The total cost estimate for approximately 130 players is $2600. The only other equipment required would be for the cost of the flags. David Box made the motion to approve the use of the Park Fund to cover the cost of the flag football program. The motion was seconded by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item #13 – Walking Trail Culvert – The walking trail lighting project contractor contacted Jeremy Hicks regarding a hazardous condition on the walking trail near the golf course net where a section of the walking trail has eroded due to water coming over the track. There needs to be two 24 inch culverts placed in this section of the walking trail at a cost of $1300 for the culverts. Jeremy and the street department will be able to perform this repair. There will be a future expense to replace asphalt in the area after culvert repair is complete. Motion was made to approve the purchase of the culverts for repair of the walking trail section was made by David Box with the second made by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion carried.
Chris Edwards made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Norman Holt seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting was adjourned.