Council Minutes – 10/13/22

Regular Session Minutes of the Council of the City of Dora, Alabama

October 13, 2022

The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m. We were led in prayer by Hezekiah Walker, Jr. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Pro-Tem Norman Holt.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-Tem Norman Holt. Roll call was taken by Stacy Turner. Present at the meeting were David Box, Norman Holt, George Sides, Jr., Gary Thomas, Hezekiah Walker, Jr. Mayor Stephens, Chris Edwards and Randy Spears were absent. A quorum was in attendance.

Item #5— Approval of the Minutes – The minutes of the September 22, 2022 regular meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by George Sides, Jr. to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Gary Thomas. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #6 – Old Business –None.

Item #7— Bill List – A motion was made by George Sides, Jr. to approve the bill lists dated October 11, 2022. Motion was seconded by Hezekiah Walker, Jr. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #8 – Departmental Reports – A motion was made by Gary Thomas to approve September 2022 Department Reports A-G. Motion was seconded by George Sides, Jr. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #9 –Dora Fire & Rescue– George Sides, Jr. made a motion to approve purchase of approximately 58 new T-shirts for the fire department totaling $767 and to send two firemen to Rural Engine Company Academy training for a total of $450. The motion was seconded by Gary Thomas. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #10 – Heritage Landing – Mayor Stephens was called to give an update regarding Items #10-15 on the agenda. Mayor Stephens informed the Council about the Heritage Landing building site. The site is currently being leveled and prepared to sell hopefully by Spring 2024. A quote has been sent by Robert Nelson to the Drummond Company for a new water tower and sewer system to service potential clients on this property. Dora Utility Board has secured a loan and has a contract in place to begin the installation of a new water line from Burnwell toYerkwood towards I-22 which should be started by the end of 2022 and also for renovation of current water tower on Radio Tower Road.

Item #11-Walking Trail Lighting –Mayor Stephens informed the Council the walking trail project is approximately sixty percent complete and should have approximately one month left for completion of the project. At this time, the City has not been reimbursed from ADECA/Recreational Trails Program.

Item #12-EWSA Grant- Mayor Stephens spoke with Robert Nelson and Robert Busby and they related that a letter has been received from Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) stating the East Walker Sewer Authority will be receiving a $2.3 Million Dollar Grant to renovate the wastewater treatment plant. The City of Dora has a $170,000 ARC matching grant to renovate the sewer pumping station behind Jet Pep gas station on Highway 78.

Item #13-Lockerbie Phase II-Michael Bridges and Bobby Phillips are the developers for phase two of Lockerbie which started approximately one month ago. The construction entrance for the jobsite is off Sharon Boulevard. There have been thirty lots sold to D. R. Horton and fifty lots total are to be prepared and sold for this second phase. The first home is scheduled to be built by Spring 2023. There is a potential for phase three of Lockerbie depending on the outcome of phase two. Phase three would be located across the walking track and would require a road and approximately fifty additional houses would be constructed.

Kevin Fowler, executive director of Walker County Housing Authority is looking for property in this area to build apartments for single women over the age of 50.

Item #14-Lake Development-The demolition of the house on the lake property is complete. A meeting will be scheduled with Robert Nelson to design the project. We have approximately $225,000 from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to spend on this project. During this phase of the project, the goal is to build a new road with a parking area and a pavilion with men and women’s handicap accessible restrooms and possibly four picnic tables depending on cost. This portion of the project we would like to be completed by Spring 2023. At a later date, we may continue the project and remove the boy scout building that is on the property and possibly build another pavilion.

Item #15-Street Resurfacing Quote-The proposal from Wiregrass Construction has been received regarding road resurfacing for the City of Dora Transportation Plan. The cost estimate for Phillips Street (14 feet wide) is $26,433.80, Pratt Road (14 feet wide) $76,364.31, Rainbow Lane (18 feet wide) and Doc’s Drive (20 feet wide) $64,615.95 for a total cost of $205,596.21. There is approximately $50,000 from Rebuild Alabama to spend towards road paving projects. At this point, the conversation was ended with Mayor Stephens. Hezikiah Walker, Jr. made a motion to commit to paving all four roads. Gary Thomas seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote: David Box-Yes; Mayor Pro-Tem-Norman Holt-Yes; George Sides, Jr.-Yes; Gary Thomas-Yes; Hezikiah Walker, Jr.-Yes, Yes-6; No-0. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #16-Christmas Decorations-George Sides, Jr. made a motion to approve the $7,000 budget for the City of Dora’s Christmas Project 2022. This will include the purchase of twenty Merry Christmas banners with hardware for installation on power poles, nativity scene, snowman arch and an allowance for replacement of power cords and lights. Gary Thomas seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.

David Box made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Gary Thomas seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting was adjourned.