Council Minutes – 12/30/24

Regular Session Minutes of the
Council of the City of Dora, Alabama
December 30, 2024

The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m.

We were led in prayer by Norman Holt. Mayor Walker led the Pledge of Allegiance.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Walker. Roll call was taken by Stacy Turner. Present at the meeting were David Box, Norman Holt, Chris Edwards, George Sides, Jr., Gary Thomas, Robert Busby and Mayor Walker. Randy Spears was absent. A quorum was in attendance.

Item #5 — Approval of the Minutes – The minutes of the November 26, 2024 and December 12, 2024 council meeting were reviewed. The motion was made by George Sides to accept the
minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion

Item #6 – Departmental Reports A-G – Norman Holt made a motion to approve the
departmental reports A-G. George Sides seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion

Mayor Walker related there was no park report included in the monthly reports. He stated the park director did not have enough children to participate in the basketball program this year. The City of Lights did agree to terminate the signed rental agreement for the use of their facility for practices from January through March. George Sides also called attention to the street dept report and the need for a camera system at the lake pavilion due to recent vandalism.

Item #7 – Bill List – George Sides made a motion to accept the bill list dated December 10, 2024 and December 27, 2024. Gary Thomas seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #8 – Old Business – None.

Item #9 – Ordinance #14 – 2024-Mayor/Council Salary (First Reading) – Ordinance #14-2024 was presented for the first reading. This would increase the Mayor’s Salary from $800 (eighthundred and no/100) to $1500 (one thousand five hundred and no/100) per month and the Councilmembers from $125 (one hundred twenty-five and no/100) to $200 (two hundred and no/100) per month. This ordinance will not take effect until the first Monday of November 2025 after next year’s election. George Sides made a motion to suspend the rules for immediate consideration to accept Ordinance #14-2024. The motion died for lack of a second.

Item #10 – Ordinance #15 – 2024-Property Annexation of Ruby Dorsey (55 Bobby Taylor
Street) – First Reading
– First Reading of Ordinance #15-2024-Annexation of Property of Ruby Dorsey. The petition for annexation signed by Ruby Dorsey and map of property was also presented.

Item #11 – AACOP Winter Conference – Chris Edwards made a motion to approve Chief Hall to attend the 2025 AACOP Winter Conference in the amount of $1,200 (one thousand two hundred and no/100). David Box seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item #12-Walker County Bicentennial Artwork-Mayor Walker presented the art that was
presented to the City of Dora at the Walker County Bicentennial Breakfast.

Item #13 – Jail Furnace Replacement Quote – Chris Edwards made a motion to replace the
furnace in the jail for $3,700 (three thousand seven hundred and no/100). This will be for a new Payne 80,000 BTU Furnace with a one-year factory warranty. Robert Busby seconded the
motion. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #14 – City Educational Budget – Chris Edwards made a motion to approve a $1,000 (one thousand and no/100) educational budget for the city for promotional items to be purchased for events that the City is invited to attend and to also create a welcome packet for members of the Yerkwood community that are annexed in to the city and/or new residents who have moved to the area to inform them of services that are offered and how to access those services. Norman Holt seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #15 – Public Comments – Mayor Walker opened the floor for public comments. There were none made.

Item #16 – Executive Session
– Chris Edwards made a motion to enter executive session to discuss the good name of an individual. Mayor Walker related that the regular meeting would not be reconvened after the executive session is concluded. Norman Holt seconded the motion.

Chris Edwards made a motion to adjourn. Norman Holt seconded the motion. All in favor and the meeting was adjourned.