Regular Session Minutes of the
Council of the City of Dora, Alabama
September 28, 2023
The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m. We
were led in prayer by Mayor Pro-Tem Norman Holt. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor
Pro-Tem Norman Holt.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-Tem Norman Holt. Roll call was taken by Stacy
Turner. Present at the meeting were David Box, Norman Holt, Chris Edwards, George Sides, Jr.,
Randy Spears, Gary Thomas, Hezikiah Walker, Jr. Mayor Stephens was absent. A quorum was
in attendance.
Chief Jared Hall Recognition – Chief Hall has completed 240 hours of training in the Certified Law Enforcement Executive Program. He is the only current Police Chief in office with this status. Only 296 police officers in the State of Alabama have completed program since it began approximately twenty years ago.
Item#6 – Approval of Minutes – The minutes of the September 14, 2023 were reviewed. A
motion was made by George Sides, Jr. to accept the minutes as written. The motion was
seconded by David Box. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item #7 – Old Business – Brush Pickup Update-A discussion was had regarding Brian’s Tree Removal and the monthly brush pickup service. Hezikiah Walker, Jr. mentioned that we may need to see if he would be willing to pick up brush twice per month for a period of time to catch up on any remaining pickup orders that he hasn’t been able to pick up during the previous months, so those pickup orders aren’t continuing to be delayed for another month so he can get caught up on all the brush pickup. Norman Holt said he would speak with him regarding this issue and the details of the agreement.
Walker County Animal Shelter Update – Stacy Turner related that Susie Vann, who used to run the county animal shelter for over thirty years, informed her that the City could approach our Walker County Commissioner Steven Aderholt about the possibility of partnering with the county shelter to help enforce the canine control ordinance. The local private animal shelter in Dora is full and there is no place to surrender an animal if necessary. Randy Spears related he would reach out to Steven Aderholt and determine what our options may be working with the county shelter.
Item #8 — Bill List – A motion was made by Randy Spears to approve the bill lists dated
September 28, 2023. Motion was seconded by Chris Edwards. All in favor and the motion
Item #9 – Fire Department Request – Trevor Edwards presented a custom order quote from TN Steel Buildings for a 26’x 30’x 12’ metal covered carport to house Engine 100 and the brush truck. The total cost of the structure is $6,195.57 (six thousand one hundred ninety-five and 57/100) plus the cost of telescopic lift. A motion was made by Randy Spears to table the item until a competitive quote is received and/or additional information is received about the wind rating and if this building follows national building code of Alabama. Motion was seconded by Gary Thomas. All in favor and the motion was tabled.
Item #10-Dora Bass Team Sponsorship- Randy Spears made a motion to support Dora High
School’s bass team blue level for a total of $300 (three hundred and no/100). Gary Thomas
seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion was carried.
Item #11 – Council Room Furniture – A discussion was had regarding the use of the State Capital Fund for some improvements to the council room. Some items that were discussed purchasing are a PA system, a podium for speakers during council meetings and possibly new tables. David Box made a motion to table the item. George Sides, Jr. seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion was tabled.
Item #12 – Horse Creek Walking Trail Parking Lot Flood Light – The parking lot at the main
entrance to the walking trail needs some type of lighting. Gary Thomas related he would gather some more information and present lighting options either solar lights that we purchase and install ourselves or lighting from Alabama Power. Randy Spears made a motion to table the item. David Box seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion was tabled.
Item #13 – Park Update/Requests – Chase Gant presented a report detailing park projects and updates about the upcoming basketball season that he is working on at this time. He needs to order five new basketballs for a total of $324.75 (three hundred twenty-four and 75/100). Randy Spears made a motion to approve the purchase of the new basketballs. David Box seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.
Chase also presented a quote for two canopy covers for the playground. The quote is for two
40×40 canopies which would be set with concrete into the ground. The canvas comes with a ten-year warranty. The cost for one canopy is $13,000 which does not include installation. Randy Spears made a motion to table this item until more information is gathered and possibly another quote from a different company. Hezikiah Walker, Jr. seconded the motion. All in favor and the item was tabled.
Chris Edwards made a motion to reinstate the park director’s monthly salary effective September 1, 2023. David Box seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item #14 – Christmas Decoration Budget – Mrs. Karen Walker requested an increase in the
annual Christmas Budget for the City of Dora to $8,000 (eight thousand and no/100) this year. Chris Edwards made a motion to approve the $8,000 (eight thousand and no/100) Christmas Budget for this year. Randy Spears seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion was approved. Mrs. Walker also requested the City to pay for the boom lift rental to hang the banners that were purchased with last year’s budget. George Sides, Jr. recommended we get quotes on having the banners and decorations installed by Danny Jackson or Carter Sound Solutions. We will gather prices on installation and present those at a later date.
Item #15 – Golf Course Request – Don Cummings related that the septic tank field lines at the back of the clubhouse aren’t working properly and have collapsed. Don Cummings presented a quote for 250 feet of new field lines from Superior Septic Services, LLC for $10,731 (ten thousand seven hundred thirty-one and no/100) and a quote from Williams Septic Systems for $6,000 (six thousand and no/100). George Sides, Jr. made a motion to accept the lowest bid from Williams Septic Systems for $6,000 (six thousand and no/100). Randy Spears seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.
Item #16 – Adjourn – David Box made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Gary Thomas seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting was adjourned.