Council Minutes – 10/28/21

Regular Session Minutes of the Council of the City of Dora, Alabama

October 28, 2021

The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m. We were led in prayer by Norman Holt. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Randy Stephens. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Randy Stephens. Roll call was taken by SuLeigh Warren. Present at the meeting were David Box, Norman Holt, George Sides, Hezikiah Walker, Jr., and Mayor Randy Stephens. Chris Edwards, Randy Spears, and Gary Thomas were absent. A quorum was in attendance.

Item #5-Approval of the Minutes -The minutes of the October 14, 2021 regular meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Norman Holt to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Hezikiah Walker. Jr. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #6- Bill List – A motion was made by Norman Holt to approve the bill list for October 26, 2021. Motion was seconded by Hezikiah Walker, Jr. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #7 – Park Fence Project – Mayor Stephens reviewed the quotes from Jasper Fence and TrueLink Fence Company. At this time the city has not received bid from John Terry Morgan. David Box made a motion to table this item until we have a bid from Mr. Morgan. Norman Holt seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #8 – Park Vinyl Siding – Norman Holt made a motion to approve Park Improvements – Job I – install siding (fascia and soffit) at the end of fire station and the two small pavilions inside play area; and, Job 2 – install siding (fascia and soffit) at the Big Pavilion and shed behind batting cage for a total cost of $10,096.00. David Box seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.

George Sides made the motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by David Box. All in favor and meeting adjourned.