Regular Session Minutes of the Council of the City of Dora, Alabama
August 11, 2022
The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m. We were led in prayer by Hezekiah Walker, Jr. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Stephens.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Randy Stephens. Roll call was taken by Stacy Turner. Present at the meeting were David Box, Norman Holt, Chris Edwards, George Sides, Jr., Randy Spears, Gary Thomas, Hezekiah Walker, Jr. and Mayor Stephens. A quorum was in attendance.
Item #5— Approval of the Minutes – The minutes of the July 28, 2022 regular meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Gary Thomas to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Hezekiah Walker, Jr. All in favor and the motion was carried.
Item #6 – Old Business – RTP Grant Change Proposal by Gillespie Construction-It was decided to continue the lighting project without the change order for underground service at this time. The change order can be added at a later date if desired.
Item #7— Bill List – A motion was made by George Sides, Jr. to approve the bill lists dated August 9, 2022. Motion was seconded by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion was carried.
Item #8 – Departmental Reports – A motion was made by Gary Thomas to approve July 2022 Department Reports A-G. Motion was seconded by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion was carried.
Item #9 – Walker County Children’s Advocacy Center – Rachel Davis, director of the Walker County Children’s Advocacy Center discussed the function and needs of the center in Walker County. It is a nonprofit organization that performs nontraumatic forensic interviews for children who are victims of physical and/or sexual abuse or witnesses of violent crime. Motion was made by David Box to donate $2,500.00 from ARPA funds to the Walker County Children’s Advocacy Center. The motion was seconded by Chris Edwards. All in favor and the motion was approved.
Item #10 – City of Dora Transportation Plan Fiscal Year 2023 – Mayor Stephens discussed paving projects for Fiscal Year 2023. The Council will look for streets needing attention and further discussion will take place at the next scheduled council meeting.
Item #11-City of Dora Public Lake Proposed Improvement-Mayor Stephens discussed the proposed improvement of the public lake. The project would consist of building a new road to the lake and building a pavilion with restroom facilities and picnic tables. The first step of the project is moving, scrapping or destroying the home that sits on the lake property. A discussion was carried out and it was decided bids will be obtained from licensed, insured contractors to demolish the home and these will be presented to the Council after bids are received for approval.
Chris Edwards made the motion to adjourn the meeting. David Box seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting was adjourned.