Council Minutes – 7/28/22

Regular Session Minutes of the

Council of the City of Dora, Alabama

July 28, 2022

The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m. We were led in prayer by Gary Thomas. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Stephens.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Randy Stephens. Roll call was taken by Stacy Turner. Present at the meeting were David Box, Chris Edwards, George Sides, Jr., Randy Spears, Gary Thomas, and Mayor Randy Stephens. Hezikiah Walker, Jr. and Norman Holt were absent. A quorum was in attendance.

Item #5— Approval of the Minutes – The minutes of the July 14, 2022 regular meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Chris Edwards to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by David Box. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #6 – Old Business – None.

Item #7— Bill List – A motion was made by Randy Spears to approve the bill lists dated July 28, 2022. Motion was seconded by Gary Thomas. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #8 – Resolution #10-2022-Tier I Retirement Benefits to Tier II Plan Members – The City of Dora’s Employees’ Retirement System offers the opportunity to provide Tier I benefits to our current Tier II employees. The benefits and costs to the City of Dora and its employees was discussed in great detail. Hezikiah Walker, Jr. arrived late during this discussion. A motion was made by David Box to suspend the rules and allow immediate consideration to adopt Resolution #10-2022. Motion was seconded by Gary Thomas. The motion carried to suspend the rules for immediate consideration to adopt this resolution. Roll Call Vote: Randy Spears-Yes; Gary Thomas-Yes; Hezikiah Walker, Jr.-Yes; Mayor Stephens-Yes; David Box-Yes; Chris Edwards-Yes; George Sides, Jr.-Yes. A motion was made to approve Resolution #10-2022 by George Sides, Jr. Motion was seconded by David Box. Roll Call Vote: Randy Spears-Yes; Gary Thomas-Yes; Hezikiah Walker, Jr.-Yes; Mayor Stephens-Yes; David Box-Yes; Chris Edwards-Yes; George Sides, Jr.-Yes; Randy Spears-Yes. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #9 – RTP Grant Change Proposal –A proposal from Gillespie Construction for a change order for underground service at the Recreational Trail Lighting Project for $21,500 was reviewed. A motion was made by Randy Spears to table this item while council members view the newly set power poles on the walking trail. Motion was seconded by Chris Edwards. The item was tabled.

Item #10 – Jordan’s Siding Quote –A motion was made by Chris Edwards to accept the increased quote for previously approved services for vinyl soffit and fascia in park pavilion for $7500.00 and the concession stand for $1,850.00 for a total of $9,350. Motion was seconded by Randy Spears. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #11 –Griffin’s Floor Science Mop & Buff Maintenance Price Quote– A motion was made by Gary Thomas to approve the price quote for $150/monthly mop and buff maintenance for the entire premises of the Dora Civic Center’s flooring. Motion was seconded by Randy Spears. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item#12 –Municipal Clerk Training – Randy Spears made the motion to approve sending the City Clerk, Stacy Turner to the Municipal Clerks Fall Institute October 19, 2022 thru October 21, 2022 at the Bryant Conference Center in Tuscaloosa, AL. The conference cost is $265 and the hotel estimate is $531.30 for a total cost of $796.30. David Box seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item#13-Bradford Pear Trees-City Hall– Chris Edwards made the motion to cut down the pear trees at the City Hall due to constant breaking of limbs. Gary Thomas seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.

David Box made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Chris Edwards seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting was adjourned.

Council Minutes – 7/14/22

Regular Session Minutes of the Council of the City of Dora, Alabama

July 14, 2022

The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m. We were led in prayer by Mayor Randy Stephens. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Stephens.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Randy Stephens. Roll call was taken by Stacy Turner. Present at the meeting were David Box, Norman Holt, Chris Edwards, Hezekiah Walker, Jr. and Mayor Randy Stephens. George Sides, Jr., Randy Spears and Gary Thomas were absent. A quorum was in attendance.

Item #5— Approval of the Minutes – The minutes of the June 23, 2022 regular meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Chris Edwards to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by David Box. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #6 – Old Business – None

Item #7— Bill List – A motion was made by Norman Holt to approve the bill lists dated July 12, 2022. Motion was seconded by David Box. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #8 – Departmental Reports – A motion was made by Chris Edwards to approve June 2022 Department Reports A-G. Motion was seconded by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #9 – Resolution #8-2022 -One Time Bonus For the City of Dora Retirees – Motion was approved at the June 23, 2022 Dora City Council meeting to approve the one time bonus in the amount of $1,324 for the City of Dora Retirees. The Alabama Retired State Employees’ Association requested this approval be in the form of a resolution. A motion was made by Hezikiah Walker, Jr. to approve Resolution #8. The motion was seconded by David Box. Roll Call Vote; George Sides, Jr.-Absent; Randy Spears-Absent; Gary Thomas-Absent; Hezikiah Walker, Jr.-Yes; Mayor Randy Stephens-Yes; David Box-Yes; Norman Holt-Yes; Chris Edwards-Yes. All in favor and the motion was approved.

Item #10 – Covid Pay For Employees – Mayor Stephens discussed the current Covid situation and increase in the cases affecting the City of Dora employees and suggested paying the employees who test positive for up to five scheduled works days. If the employee is absent longer than five days, they will be required to use their PTO or take leave without pay if they are not eligible for PTO at the time of sickness.

Mayor Stephens also discussed proper exposure guidelines recommended by the CDC and the City will follow the exposure calculator on the CDC’s website for Covid exposure of employees’.

Hezikiah Walker, Jr. made a motion to approve paying the Covid positive employees up to five scheduled work days. The motion did not carry for lack of a second.

City employees will not be paid for time off for Covid and will be required to use PTO or leave without pay.

Item #11 – Resolution #9-2022 Opioid Settlement – The City of Dora is participating in a Class action lawsuit with McKesson and J&J regarding the opioid epidemic. The lawsuit requires a resolution authorizing the City of Dora to join the State of Alabama as participants in current and future opioid settlements and also gives the City Clerk for the City of Dora the authority to sign current and future settlement agreements. The City Clerk will only be allowed to sign agreements once reviewed and approved by the Mayor of the City of Dora. Norman Holt made a motion to approve Resolution #9-2022 to participate in current and future opioid settlements. Motion seconded by David Box. Roll Call Vote-Chris Edwards-Yes; George Sides, Jr.-Absent; Randy Spears-Absent; Gary Thomas-Absent; Hezikiah Walker, Jr.-Yes; Mayor Randy Stephens-Yes; David Box-Yes; Norman Holt-Yes. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #12 –Park Request-Flag football program – Request was made by Chase Gant to use Park Funds to pay for the expenses related to the new co-ed flag football program for its first kickoff season. Cost estimate is $20 per player. The park needs three teams in five different age groups for the program to be successful. The total cost estimate for approximately 130 players is $2600. The only other equipment required would be for the cost of the flags. David Box made the motion to approve the use of the Park Fund to cover the cost of the flag football program. The motion was seconded by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #13 – Walking Trail Culvert – The walking trail lighting project contractor contacted Jeremy Hicks regarding a hazardous condition on the walking trail near the golf course net where a section of the walking trail has eroded due to water coming over the track. There needs to be two 24 inch culverts placed in this section of the walking trail at a cost of $1300 for the culverts. Jeremy and the street department will be able to perform this repair. There will be a future expense to replace asphalt in the area after culvert repair is complete. Motion was made to approve the purchase of the culverts for repair of the walking trail section was made by David Box with the second made by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion carried.

Chris Edwards made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Norman Holt seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting was adjourned.

Council Minutes – 6/23/22

Regular Session Minutes of the Council of the City of Dora, Alabama

June 23, 2022

The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m. We were led in prayer by Gary Thomas. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Stephens.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Randy Stephens. Roll call was taken by Stacy Turner. Present at the meeting were David Box, Norman Holt, Chris Edwards, Gary Thomas, Hezekiah Walker, Jr., and Mayor Randy Stephens. George Sides, Jr. was absent. A quorum was in attendance.

Item #5— Approval of the Minutes – The minutes of the June 9, 2022 regular meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Gary Thomas to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Hezikiah Walker, Jr. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #6 – Old Business – None.

Item #7— Bill List – A motion was made by Hezekiah Walker, Jr. to approve the bill lists dated June 21, 2022. Motion was seconded by Chris Edwards. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #8 – Golf Course-Sod – A motion was made by Randy Spears to approve the purchase of approximately 18 pallets of sod in increments of 2-4 pallets to be used at Horse Creek Golf Course. The purchase price of 18 pallets will be approximately $3600. The sod will not be available until July 5, 2022. Motion was seconded by Chris Edwards. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #9 – Golf Course Carpet Cleaning –A motion was made by Norma Holt to accept the bid received from Steam Pro Carpet and Upholstery for carpet cleaning and stain-guarding the lobby, three offices, conference room at Horse Creek Golf Course for 657.00. Motion was seconded by Randy Spears. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #10 – Park Request A/C Unit –A motion was made by David Box to accept the bid received from Weekend Warrior for a two ton ductless minisplit until for the concession stand at the ballpark for $3500.00 to be paid with park funds. Motion was seconded by Normal Holt. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #11 –Retiree Bonus– A motion was made by Randy Spears to approve Alabama Retired State Employees Association one time retiree longevity bonus legislation for $1324.00 for the three remaining active retirees from the City of Dora. Motion seconded by Hezikiah Walker, Jr. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item#12 –Adjourn – Randy Spears made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Gary Thomas seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting was adjourned.

Council Minutes – 5/12/22

Regular Session Minutes of the
Council of the City of Dora, Alabama
May 12, 2022

The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m. We were led in prayer by David Box. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Stephens.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Randy Stephens. Roll call was taken by SuLeigh Warren. Present at the meeting were David Box, Norman Holt, Chris Edwards, Randy Spears, Gary Thomas, Hezekiah Walker, Jr., and Mayor Randy Stephens. George Sides was absent. A quorum was in attendance.

Item #5-Approval of the Minutes – The minutes of the April 28, 2022 regular meeting minutes and the May 3, 2022 special meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Gary Thomas to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Hezikiah Walker. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #6 – Old Business –

Item #7-Bill List – A motion was made by Norman Holt to approve the bill lists dated May 10, 2022. Motion was seconded by David Box. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #8 – Departmental Reports -A motion was made by Randy Spears to approve March 2022 Department Reports A-G. Motion was seconded by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #9 – Pay Raises -Mayor Stephens proposed giving all city employees a $1.00 an hour pay increase. Chris Edwards made a motion to give all city employees a $1.00 an hour pay increase. The motion was seconded by David Box. Roll Call Vote: David Box -Yes; Norman Holt -Yes; Chris Edwards -Yes; Randy Spears -Yes: Gary Thomas -Yes; Hezikiah Walker -Yes; Mayor Stephens -Yes; Yes -7; No -0. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #10 – Police Request -A motion was made by Randy Spears to approve for Police Chief Jared Hall to attend the 2022 AACOP Summer Conference in Orange Beach, July 31st -August 4th, 2022, to pay the registration fee of $200.00, and to pay for lodging at a cost of $1116.00. The motion was seconded by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion was approved.

Item #11 – Surplus Equipment -Norman Holt made a motion to surplus the 1994 S-10 Blazer for $500.00. Motion was seconded by Gary Thomas. A motion was made by Chris Edwards to surplus the 1998 Dodge Ram 3500 for $1,000.00 and surplus the 1998 Dodge Ram 1500 for
$500.00. Motion seconded by Hezikiah Walker. All in favor and both motions carried.

Item #12-Backhoe-The city is currently renting a backhoe from Cowin Equipment Company. Cown has offered to give the city $10,000 trade-in on our JCB backhoe towards the $92,000 purchase of the CASE backhoe that we are currently renting. Chris Edwards made a motion to authorize Mayor Randy Stephens to negotiate with Cowin Equipment Company to get the best deal possible on this transaction. Randy Spears seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Item #13 -Next Meeting – Chris Edwards made a motion to cancel the May 19, 2022 Council Meeting and attend the East Walker Chamber of Commerce banquet and purchase two tables at $200.00 a piece for the council members. The motion was seconded by Randy Spears. All in favor with Hezikiah Walker abstaining.

David Box made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Gary Thomas seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting was adjourned.

Council Minutes – 6/9/22

Regular Session Minutes of the Council of the City of Dora, Alabama

June 9, 2022

The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m. We were led in prayer by Hezikiah Walker, Jr. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Stephens.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Randy Stephens. Roll call was taken by SuLeigh Warren. Present at the meeting were David Box, Norman Holt, Chris Edwards, Gary Thomas, Hezekiah Walker, Jr., and Mayor Randy Stephens. Randy Spears was late arriving and missed roll call, but he was present for discussion of Items #7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. A quorum was in attendance.

Item #5— Approval of the Minutes – The minutes of the May 12, 2022 regular meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by George Sides, Jr. to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Hezikiah Walker, Jr. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #6 – Old Business – Mayor Randy Stephens updated the council members regarding the status of the new backhoe purchase.

Item #7— Bill List – A motion was made by George Sides, Jr. to approve the bill lists dated May 31, 2022 and June 8, 2022. Motion was seconded by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #8 – Departmental Reports – A motion was made by George Sides, Jr to approve May 2022 Department Reports A-G. Motion was seconded by Gary Thomas. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #9 – Striping of Parking Lots (City Hall and Golf Course) – A motion was made by Chris Edwards to accept the bid received from Southeastern Sealcoating, Inc. for striping of the parking lots at The City Hall for $1965.00 and at the Horse Creek Golf Course for $950.00. Motion was seconded by Randy Spears. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #10 – Appointment of Utility Board Member – Mayor Randy Stephens suggested Nick Isbell as a potential candidate for the utility board member position. A motion was made by George Sides, Jr. to appoint Marion Combs to this position as utility board member. Motion was seconded by Hezikiah Walker, Jr. Roll Call Vote: David Box – No; Norman Holt – Yes; Chris Edwards – No; George Sides, Jr.-Yes; Randy Spears – No: Gary Thomas – No; Hezikiah Walker – Yes; Mayor Stephens – No; Yes – 3; No – 5. Motion did not carry.

A motion was made by Randy Spears to appoint Nick Isbell as a utility board member. Motion was seconded by David Box. Roll Call Vote: Gary Thomas – Yes; Hezikiah Walker, Jr. – No; Mayor Stephens – Yes; David Box- Yes; Norman Holt – Yes; Chris Edwards – Yes; George Sides, Jr.-Yes; Randy Spears – Yes: Yes – 6; No – 2. The motion carried.

Item #11 – City Hall Floors – George Sides, Jr. made a motion to accept the bid for services by Griffin’s Floor Services to wax flooring in The City Hall for $350.00 and the Police Station for $515.00. Motion was seconded by Norman. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #12 –Adjourn – Gary Thomas made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Norman Holt seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting was adjourned.

Council Minutes – 4/14/22

Regular Session Minutes of the

Council of the City of Dora, Alabama

April 14, 2022

The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m. We were led in prayer by Mayor Randy Stephens. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Stephens.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Randy Stephens. Roll call was taken by SuLeigh Warren. Present at the meeting were David Box, George Sides, Norman Holt, Chris Edwards, Randy Spears, Gary Thomas, Hezekiah Walker, Jr., and Mayor Randy Stephens. A quorum was in attendance.

Item #5— Approval of the Minutes – The minutes of the March 24, 2022 regular meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Chris Edwards to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by George Sides. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #6 – Old Business – None

Item #7— Bill List – A motion was made by George Sides to approve the bill lists dated April 12, 2022. Motion was seconded by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #8 – Departmental Reports – A motion was made by Randy Spears to approve March 2022 Department Reports A-G. Motion was seconded by Gary Thomas. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #9 – Linda Jones -VITA Site – Ms. Linda Jones, a representative of VITA SITE located in Birmingham, spoke with the council about the Voluntary Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program that offers free income tax assistance to those who qualify (income based). She asked if the City could provide a site at the Civic Center to service the Dora and surrounding area for the 2022 Income Tax Year (next Spring – January through April). Training will occur in July 2022. She assured the council that laptops, paperwork and anything that would be needed to offer this service will be provided by the IRS. Stated she will be seeking volunteers to work at the site. The service will be offered to resident on Saturdays only. She did say that she would require a secure place, (a closet), to lock up the laptops afterwards. Motion was made by David Box to allow City of Dora to sponsor a VITA SITE at the Civic Center. The motion was seconded by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion was approved.

Item #10 – RTP Grant – Resolution #5 -2022 – Awarding the Recreational Trails Project Contract to Gillespie Construction – Mayor Stephens informed the council that Gillespie Construction placed the lowest bid for the Recreational Trails Lighting Project (using energy efficient LED lighting). The base bid in the amount of $286,000 takes the lighting project from Highway 78 to the trail entrance at the city park. Alternate bids were placed to extend lighting on the trail. Alternate bid in the amount of $78,000.00 will carry lighting to Sellers Road. Alternate bid in the amount of $133,000.00 will carry lighting to Austin Circle, near the City of Lights, while another alternate puts three lights up the hill at the park entrance at a cost of $23,896. The complete job, end to end and up the hill, will be $520,896.00 plus an additional $50,000.00 for the engineering and administrative costs. David Box made a motion to suspend the rules and proceed with immediate consideration to vote for approval of the lighting project. Roll Call Vote: David Box – Yes; George Sides, Jr. – Yes; Norman Holt – Yes; Mayor Stephens – Yes; Chris Edwards – Yes; Randy Spears – Yes; Hezikiah Walker – Yes; and, Gary Thomas – Yes; Yes- 8. All in favor and the motion carried. Randy Spears made the motion to approve Resolution #5 Awarding the Recreation Trails Project Contract to Gillespie Construction in the amount of $520,896 to install the lighting project from Highway 78 to Austin Circle plus lights going up the hill at the park entrance plus the additional $50,000 for engineering and administrative costs. Motion was seconded by Gary Thomas. Roll Call Vote: Roll Call Vote: David Box – Yes; George Sides, Jr. – Yes; Norman Holt – Yes; Mayor Stephens – Yes; Chris Edwards – Yes; Randy Spears – Yes; Hezikiah Walker – Yes; and, Gary Thomas – Yes; Yes- 8. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #11 – Park Lights – Norman Holt made a motion to approve That Electric Company’s bid in the amount of $17,889 to replace all 16 lights at the tennis court and playground. Motion seconded by David Box. All in favor and the motion carried. Mayor advised this money would come from the Capital Improvement Fund.

Item #12 –Police Vehicle – Request was made by Chief Jared Hall to add a 2023 Chevrolet Tahoe to the police fleet in the amount of $34,324.00. Chief Hall stated this cost will not include modifications to the vehicle such as the cage, lights, etc. A separate quote of up to $10,000 would be needed for these modifications. Randy Spears made the motion to approve the purchase of the Tahoe in the amount of $34,324.76 plus spending up to 10,000.00 for modifications to the unit. The motion was seconded by David Box. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #13 – Park Request – Chase Gant has requested $400 for the purchase of a new propane outdoor griddle for the concession stand. Motion to approve purchase was made by Norman Holt with the second made by Chris Edwards. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #14 – Golf Course Fence – Chris Edwards made a motion to accept the lowest bid by True Link Fence in the amount of $16,570.00 to install 8-foot residential grade fencing at the Golf Course between the driving range and the walking track. The motion was seconded by Randy Spears. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #15 – Property Tax – Mayor Stephens informed the council that by June 1st the Revenue Commissioner, Jerry Guthrie, will need to be notified as to whether or not the mill property tax of 10.1 will be changed or kept the same. More information will be provided at the April 28, 2022 council meeting. No action required at this time.

Item #16 – Backhoe Repairs – Norman Holt made a motion to rent a backhoe on a monthly basis in the amount of $1,980.00 while the Street Department’s Backhoe equipment is being repaired due to electrical problems. Hezikiah Walker seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried.

Chris Edwards made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Norman Holt seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting was adjourned.

Council Minutes – 4/28/22

Regular Session Minutes of the
Council of the City of Dora, Alabama
April 28, 2022

The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m. We were led in prayer by Mayor Randy Stephens. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Stephens.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Randy Stephens. Roll call was taken by Su.Leigh Warren. Present at the meeting were David Box, George Sides, Norman Holt, Gary Thomas, Hezekiah Walker, Jr., and Mayor Randy Stephens. Chris Edwards and Randy Spears were absent. A quorum was in attendance.

Item #5-Approval of the Minutes -The minutes of the April 14, 2022 regular meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Norman Holt to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Gary Thomas. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #6 – Old Business -Mayor Stephens gave an update on the Street Department’s backhoe. The approximate cost to repair the equipment is $15,000.00. The cost for a new backhoe is approximately $92,000.00. Also, Mayor Stephens informed the council that the cost to purchase a grapple truck will be $50,000 and up. No action required.

Item #7- Bill List – A motion was made by George Sides to approve the bill lists dated April 26, 2022. Motion was seconded by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #8 – Resolution #6 – Increase Synovus Credit Card Limit to $7,500. -George Sides made a motion to suspend the rules and proceed with immediate consideration for approval to increase the Synovus Credit Card Limit to $7,500.00. The motion was seconded by David Box. Roll Call Vote: David Box – Yes; George Sides -Yes; Norman Holt -Yes; Gary Thomas – Yes; Hezikiah Walker – Yes; Mayor Randy Stephens- Yes. Yes -6; No – 0. All in favor and the motion carried. Hezikiah Walker made the motion to approve increasing the Synovus Credit Card limit to $7,500.00 A second was made by Gary Thomas. Roll Call Vote: David Box – Yes; George Sides -Yes; Norman Holt – Yes; Gary Thomas – Yes; Hezikiah Walker – Yes; Mayor Randy Stephens-Yes. Yes -6; No – 0. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #9 – Resolution #7 – 2022 Back to School Sales Tax Holiday- Norman Holt made a motion to approve Resolution #7 -2022 Back to School Sales Tax Holiday. David Box seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: David Box -Yes; George Sides – Yes; Norman Holt – y es; Gary Thomas – Yes; Hezikiah Walker -Yes; Mayor Randy Stephens- Yes. Yes -6; No – 0. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #10 – Park Request- New Bleachers -Gary Thomas made a motion purchase a set of bleachers for the Park’s middle field in the amount of $2,246.00. Motion was seconded by Norman Holt. All in favor and the motion carried.

Item #11 – Civic Center Floors -Hezikiah Walker made the motion to approve the hiring of Griffin’s Floor Science to refurbish (strip and wax) the floors of the large event room, small event room, and the halls at the Civic Center in the amount of $1,950.00. Motion was seconded by David Box. All in favor and the motion carried.

Norman Holt made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Gary Thomas seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting was adjourned.

Council Minutes – 3/24/22

Regular Session Minutes of the

Council of the City of Dora, Alabama

March 24, 2022

The Council of the City of Dora, Alabama met in the Dora Municipal Building at 6:00 p.m. We were led in prayer by Gary Thomas. Mayor Randy Stephens led the Pledge of Allegiance.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Randy Stephens. Roll call was taken by SuLeigh Warren. Present at the meeting were David Box, George Sides, Norman Holt, Randy Spears, Gary Thomas, Hezekiah Walker, Jr. and Mayor Randy Stephens. Absent from the meeting was Norman Holt. George Sides was late arriving and missed roll call, but he was present for discussion of Items #8, #9, #10, #11, and #12. A quorum was in attendance.

Item #5— Approval of the Minutes – The minutes of the February 10, 2022 regular meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Chris Edwards to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by David Box. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #6 – Old Business – None

Item #7— Bill List – A motion was made by Gary Thomas to approve the bill lists dated March 22, 2022. Motion was seconded by Spears. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Item #8 – VITA Site – Mayor Stephens informed the council that he was contacted by Linda Jones, CPA. Ms. Jones works through a program called VITA Site which offers free income tax assistance to those who qualify (income based). She asked if we could provide a site for the 2022 Income Tax Year (next Spring – January – April). Training will occur in July 2022.

Item #9 – Matt Woods – Matt Woods is a candidate for Alabama State House District 1. Mr. Woods spoke to the council regarding his upcoming candidacy and intentions as the Representative for District 1. No action required.

Item #10 – ARC Grant – Mayor Stephens announced that The City of Dora was officially approved for the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Grant in the amount of $170,000.00. No action required.

Item #10 – Walking Trail Grant – Bid Opening for the Recreational Trails Project was on

March 17, 2022. The City did not receive any bids. Another bid date has been set for

March 30. No action required.

Item #11 – Golf Course Net/Fence – Mayor Stephens discussed the need to replace the torn netting located at the golf course between the driving range and the walking track. He suggested that we replace with a chain length fence 8-10 feet high with additional netting above the fence to keep balls from hitting pedestrians, the loss of balls, and to prevent deer from running through the netting. A suggestion was made to also include an additional 20-40 feet of fencing from that end back to the driving range. Bids will be accepted for completing this project.

Gary Thomas made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Randy Spears seconded the motion. All in favor and meeting was adjourned.